Song Zoo

Learn a language

Write a song

Maybe the Zoo's

Where you belong

Hey, are you for a challenge? Click here.

They say that when we practice new activities we're actually creating new neural pathways inside ourselves. That idea blows me away and sometimes motivates me to try new things. 

Here's a page where you can find all sorts of challenges from different areas of Song Zoo: rhythms, rhymes, songwriting, clapping, guitar playing and more.  Some of it's useful, and some of it's goofy, but all of it's aimed at getting us a bit beyond our comfort zone... just to see what happens.

The Song Zoo

Inspiration all around                        Waiting, waiting to be found:

Ideas for songwriting, rhythms and making new sounds

Upside Guitar

Guitar playing from a different angle

Dogs Like Me 

Original songs and works in progress

Clap Bang Boom

Clapping and percussion workouts

Learn English

To sing, or not to sing, that is the question...

Lyrics and other materials for learners of all levels

Learn French

Discover superstars and lesser known artists. Open your ears and improve your French along the way

C'est chouette!

Learn Spanish

Listen to cantaores, cantautores and other cantantes. Discover great music while learning about Spanish language and culture.

Learn Catalan

Take a trip into the rich musical heritage of Catalonia.

Apa! Som-hi!

Learn German

From Die Zauberflöte to pop, lieder to drinking songs: learn basic German with music.

Hast du etwas Zeit für Deutsch?

Learn Dutch

Songs, stories and other materials to get a feel for Dutch language and culture.

Wil je met ons mee?     

Wat leuk!

Learn Italian

Basic vocabulary with songs and more.

Tutto fa brodo!

Learn Portuguese

Music as a stepping stone to start learning Portuguese

Quem não arrisca não petisca
